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Former unified cruiserweight world champion and now heavyweight unified world champion is just needing the WBC belt to be the undisputed king of the división. There has been pictures of Oleksandr Usyk training and he looks huge, he said in an interview that he bulked up 33lbs of muscle mass for this rematch. He even said to not be surprised if he is heavier than A.J in the day of fight. Many are amazed by his new body transformation because he is looking bigger and stronger, but is that benificial? In my personal opinión it isnt all that good for a fighter to be at his heaviest for a fight. It may help with power but not in the footwork and aguility department. Heavyweight fighters are usually strong but slow movers. Thats what makes Usyk so great , he is fast and fights in angles and is on his toes the whole fight. I hope Im wrong but with the extra 33lbs Im afraid that will slow him down. Maybe his stratagy is to go toe to toe with A.J and again i dont think thats a good idea. Anthony Joshua is known for his KO power and is a great finisher. On the other hand Usyk is not blessed with that power but has great skill and ring IQ. Dont get me wrong , Im a Usyk fan but this and the problems back home may affect his performance. I hope he proves me wrong and can hang toe to toe with A.J , but it will be dangerous because A.J wants his belts back.

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