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Conor McGregor's Fury Ignites: The UFC's Silence Tested My Patience

Conor McGregor, the undisputed icon of the fighting game, has unleashed a fury of frustration over his extended hiatus from the UFC. The former dual-weight champion, ever the showman, couldn't contain his exasperation when quizzed about his long-awaited return to the Octagon during his ringside presence at the Day of Reckoning boxing extravaganza in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

In a heated conversation with TalkSPORT, McGregor's discontent was palpable as he unleashed a tirade against the UFC's silence on his comeback.

"'The Mac' has loads to offer and loads to deliver," he asserted vehemently. "The lads here [in Saudi Arabia] are talking Manny [Pacquiao in boxing], the UFC isn't talking any... Give me something. You know what I'm saying? My patience is wearing thin on me waiting."

McGregor's frustration stemmed from a series of delayed return dates, from April to December 2024, leaving the charismatic Irishman feeling neglected and disregarded by the promotion.

"I sell more than every one of them combined," McGregor exclaimed, highlighting his immense contribution to the fight game. "No one in the history of the fight game’s ever been treated the way I’m getting treated at this minute, yeah?"

The fighter's readiness to step back into the UFC cage seemed evident after participating in The Ultimate Fighter 31 and expressing his eagerness for an April 2024 return. However, conflicting reports and delays have only added fuel to McGregor's mounting impatience.

Despite his UFC absence, McGregor hasn't shied away from challenging boxing's elite, including a heated callout to Manny Pacquiao for a showdown, emphasizing fairness by proposing a higher weight class to enable his full arsenal of skills.

With only four MMA appearances since his 2016 lightweight title win, McGregor's outcry resonates with fans eagerly awaiting his return to the Octagon.

As the clock ticks toward his April 2024 eligibility, the MMA world eagerly anticipates whether the UFC will answer McGregor's impassioned plea and offer him the stage he so ardently desires. Until then, the sport remains at the edge of its seat, eagerly awaiting the return of 'The Notorious.'

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