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Cormier VS Mcgregor Twitter Fued

Conor as graceful and humble as he is, had some kind words for Daniel on twitter yesterday. If you know anything about Conor, you know that last sentence was sarcastic. Cormier and Mcgregor have been exchanging words for some time now as Mcgregor recently tweeted out against Khabib's late father.

Courmier had this to say - “So McGregor, listen to me bud. Stop worrying about me. Don’t worry about Daniel Cormier. Don’t worry about the things that I’m saying. Don’t worry about how I’m dressing and how I’m looking. Don’t do that. Worry about the dudes that keep beating your ass every time you go into the octagon.”

“I’m not the guy you’ve got to worry about fighting, I’m done. I’m retired. I’m living my best life. You need to worry about trying to beat the guys that you fight against. Get off the internet. I don’t hate this dude, but McGregor, fall back.”

Courmier went on to explain the Mcgregor acting out like this is a cry for help. With emphasis he meant that sincerely. He acknowledged Mcgregors abilities as an athlete but mentions concerns for his health and those he surrounds himself with.

So maybe this will be the last of the twitter spats between the two, or it's just the beginnign. What do you think?

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