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Dave Allen Wins in Malta Comeback Fight

Dave Allen Wins in Malta Comeback Fight

After a two-year hiatus from the boxing ring, British heavyweight Dave Allen returned to the sport with a victory against Dorian Darch in Malta on February 19, 2022. Allen won the fight via a unanimous decision, with the judges scoring the bout 80-73 in his favor.

Allen, who had previously retired from the sport twice, announced that he was returning to boxing in January 2022. The 29-year-old fighter had taken a break from the sport due to mental health issues and a lack of motivation, but he appeared to be in good form in his comeback fight.

Following his victory, Allen expressed his desire to fight regularly and make a run for the British heavyweight title. He also mentioned that he was open to fighting other top contenders in the division, including Fabio Wardley.

Wardley, who is also a British heavyweight, is currently undefeated in his professional career, with a record of 12 wins and 0 losses. The 26-year-old fighter has been rising through the ranks and is considered one of the top prospects in the division.

Many boxing fans are excited about the prospect of a fight between Allen and Wardley, with some predicting that it could take place in July or August or later in the year in December. Wardley has stated that he wants to win the British title outright and a fight against Allen could be a stepping stone towards achieving that goal.

However, some fans and experts are skeptical about Allen’s chances against Wardley. Allen has been relatively inactive over the past few years and has been training himself. In contrast, Wardley is known for his athleticism and good punch variety.

Moreover, Allen’s power may not be enough to hurt Wardley, who has shown resilience in his fights. Some experts have predicted that Wardley could win the fight on points or even stop Allen with relative ease.

Despite the challenges that Allen may face in a potential fight against Wardley, some fans believe that he still has what it takes to compete at the highest level. They argue that Allen should first test himself against a good fighter in a 10-rounder before taking on Wardley.

Whatever the outcome, it is clear that Dave Allen’s return to boxing has been well-received by fans of the sport. Many are hoping to see him back in the ring and fighting regularly, and it remains to be seen what the future holds for this talented fighter.

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