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Stipe Miocic Responds: Setting the Record Straight Amid Calls for Jon Jones Fight

Former UFC heavyweight champion Stipe Miocic found himself in the center of the spotlight yet again as the MMA community buzzed with discussions regarding the future of the heavyweight division. A flurry of calls for a showdown between interim champion Tom Aspinall and undisputed champ Jon Jones has prompted responses from Miocic, adding fuel to the debate over the division's next move.

Addressing a series of tweets from Aspinall advocating for a unification fight against Jones, Miocic clarified his stance, emphasizing that he's never caused any delays in setting up a fight against Jones.

Miocic was initially slated to face Jones at UFC 295 in November, but Jones suffered an injury during training, leading to the creation of an interim title fight between Aspinall and Sergei Pavlovich. Aspinall emerged victorious, capturing the interim belt, and subsequently expressed his desire to unify it against Jones.

However, Dana White assured Miocic that the bout with Jones would be rescheduled once Jones was fit to compete, leaving Aspinall in limbo regarding his shot at the title potentially until the later part of 2024.

Aspinall took to social media and voiced his plea for the UFC to allow him to progress in his career, advocating for a fight against either Miocic or Jones to further his legacy in the sport.

Miocic, whose last UFC appearance was in March 2021 in a title loss to Francis Ngannou, responded by proposing a showdown with Aspinall following his anticipated clash with Jones.

As the heavyweight division's future remains uncertain, the debate rages on about who should rightfully vie for the title. With Aspinall eager to make his mark against the legends and Miocic eyeing a chance at redemption, the octagon awaits an intriguing sequence of clashes that could redefine the division's landscape.

The unfolding drama serves as a testament to the intricacies of decision-making in the UFC, where each choice shapes the destiny of fighters striving for greatness within the unforgiving confines of the octagon.

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