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Superfights We All Wish Would Have Happened

Combat sports history is full of superfights and showdowns that we'll watch for the ages. Muhammad Ali vs George Foreman, Mike Tyson vs Evander Holyfield, Mayweather vs Pacquiao, GSP vs BJ Penn, Anderson Silva vs Chael Sonnen. What about the superfights we all wanted that never happened?

The biggest fight of the century would have been GSP vs Anderson Silva. Everyone talked about that matchup. Considering for the longest they were the #1 and #2 best pound for pound ranked MMA fighters in the world. The main reason we likely never got this fight was because of weight. As GSP walks around at about 170 and Silva at 185. These guys never really competed for titles in the same weight class. So while we all wanted to watch them fight, it just never happened.

Mike Tyson vs George Foreman would have been a clash for the ages. However Foreman was ending his championship reign and getting ready to leave as Tyson was making a name for himself. George actually admits that he was warned to not fight Mike Tyson. So while we never got to see these two go at it, we can only imagine the fireworks and haymakers these two would have caused.

Ronda Rousey vs Cris Cyborg would have been a huge fight. Everybody wanted to see these two go at it. Both fighters have an incredible standup and ground game. We're told the reason the fight never happened is because Cyborg walks around about 10 pounds heavier than Rousey. These two were definitely the top female fighters of their day and we will just have to guess as to what could have been.

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