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Oleksandr Usyk wins his much anticipated rematch against Anthony Joshua via split decisión in a very competetive fight. Joshua started a little slow in the early rounds ,Joshua's improvements showed in the fight, he did come out more agressive and did good in the middle of the fight but in the championship rounds Usyk came back and was able to win a split decisión victory in a very close fight. After losing A.J had an emotional meltdown grabing two of Usyk's championship belts and throwing them on the ground then walking out of the ring then back into the ring. Then gives props to Usyk for his victory even though he believes he won. In the press confrence after the event he is brought to tears, he was so upset of losing. My opinión on A.J is that he did really good but Usyk is also great and maybe he didnt react in a manner he should of when he lost but its understandable due to all the pressure thats on him. Now we are talking about maybe the most popular fighter in England at this moment , the man is always on the news, ofcourse he has alot on the plate. Now before everyone talks bad about A.J and say he isnt all that, just think about this, is winning an olímpic gold medal make you great? Is being two time world heavyweight champion make you great? Ofcourse hes great ! But so is Usyk. Anthony Joshua is still around and still young enough to be three time world champ so dont count him out just yet. He certainly still has the goods.

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