In a world where modern day gladiators are often called underpaid and undervalued, there exists a promotion who believes the opposite - that fighters should be well compensated and taken care of just like in any other career.
Fight.TV has been organizing a professional boxing event this fall in Mexico since their last event over the summer. The likes of Kareli Lopez, Gabriel Garcia, and more prominent Mexican fighters are eager to get in the ring and display what they have been practicing so hard for.
In Mexico they're now calling Covid what translates to English as a "stoplight" because of the constant stop and go it seems to give their society. Many are disgruntled that we have to wait until October 16th to see this next bout unfold but, at least the fighters don't have to wait to get paid!
These boxers were all expecting a fight this September and a payout afterwards. Since the state of Mexico wants to reschedule the event, Fight.TV isn't going to let their fighters go hungry! We made sure that every fighter on the card gets paid ahead of the rescheduled bout.
We're excited to see them compete October 16th! Fight.TV is here for our fighters!